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6 week Life & Meditation Mentoring Program

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Join the Waitlist for the next Session in 2024

Elevating your life through the practice of
meditation, introspection
and life-changing coaching.  

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If you are ready to step up your game and to elevate your life completely...


This course is for YOU.


Heal, awaken and re-align to your most authentic self.


This program has been designed by combining more than 20 years of Meditation, Yoga/ Tantra (the path of the Masters of the Himalayas, Sri Vidya), Somatic healing, Positive Psychology, shamanism, life Mentoring and more



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Radiant Being (1440 × 1080 px) (4).png
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What you receive within Thrive:


Guided meditations, deep understanding of the practice of meditation and the opportunity to learn to meditate on your own, feeling empowered by knowing exactly HOW to do it properly.

Through this course we will commit to a 40 day practice, creating a solid foundation and an established habit in your life to have 
momentum and inspiration to make it your daily ritual forever. 


Cutting edge coaching through the invitation of the weekly topics and Shawni's guidance.  And the opportunity to be coached live by Shawni in the weekly live calls. 
And the best opportunity of all, to learn to be your own coach, cheerleader, guide or mentor. 

(One-on-one sessions at 20% off for those enrolled in this program). 


Introspection is KEY to spiritual deepening.  In a world that goes too fast we have forgotten to pause to listen to the depths of our being.  Because of this we keep doing in the world from a place of misalignment and creating things that perhaps it's not in our best interest to do so. 

Take time to answer the most important questions of your life and act in the world with clarity, a confident sense of self and renewed purpose.  


Weekly community meetings to support your transformation and to share and be in community.

Private Facebook Group/ or whatsapp to share your experience and connect with others. 


Meditation tools and practices to take with you long after our time together.

Understanding of your nervous system.  Tools to self regulate. (Breathing exercises, etc).

Physical practices, such as yoga and body temple dance to anchor into your body and shift your energy. 

Positive Psychology.

Withdraw your energy from the things that no longer serve you and engage with that which YOU choose with greater power. 

Realign with your core values.


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Radiant Being (1440 × 1080 px) (4).png

Hello there!
We are ALWAYS busy and it is NEVER a good time... 
But WE decide to make time for and invest in the things that most matter to us and bring most value to our lives! 
I value awakening, self knowledge, healing, transformation and ultimately Self Mastery and creating a life that absolutely reflects my innermost RADIANCE and TRUTH.  I have always made this my priority... Now, it's up to you to answer if this is something that YOU value and that can help you move forward and with greater clarity, resolve and alignment in YOUR life! 

Why Join Thrive?



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best value!

One-time payment to join the 6-week program. 

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  • THRIVE payment plan

    Every month
    Valid for 2 months

I am calling in women, and now men, who are ready to do the work
(but to me, it's really the fun and exciting kind of work).

Those who are ready to show up for themselves to ask meaningful questions and are willing to make changes where it is necessary
to embrace a more intentional and EMPOWERED lifestyle.

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THRIVE Week by Week

  • Guided meditations


  • Instructional video or audio on our weekly focus and introspective prompts. 


  • Actionable steps to implement each week.


  • Instruction & information about meditation and all things meditation.


  • Live Community Gathering and group coaching session. 


  • Private FB Group or whatsapp to connect to the community, to celebrate and share your wins or seek support. 


  • All of the material easily found on our hosting platform. 

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Weekly Focus
A rough idea that can shift and change, depending on inner guidance... How the feminine works. 

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Week One : Self Awareness
40 day Meditation Practice begins.
Learn the How and Why.

Week Two : Self Knowledge
Humanity + Divinity = Wholeness


Week Three : Self Coaching
Transform Limiting Beliefs
40 day Meditation Practice begins.
Learn the How and Why.


Week Four: The Return to Love
Self Love, Wounded Child/Inner child/ Relationships

Week Five : Self Trust
Make a Plan of Action
Living with Passion


Bonus Materials
Additional resources to support your progress of Intentional Living

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