Conscious Parenting​
"Conscious Parenting [is] a style of parenting that focuses more on the parent and how mindfulness can drive parenting choices."
-Karen Gill, M.D
As parents it is not always easy to care for our little ones as we are going through the motions of life and all the challenges that we face day in and day out.
As parents we don't get to take a break when we need to figure things out. We do so as we go, and sometimes that in itself can seem impossible. It is not always easy to stop the merry-go-round to
"come back to ourselves" as we please.
We must learn to anchor into each day through stillness, a clear mind and heartfelt intentions. We must commit to the rituals that help us de-tangle the mental chaos and the unresolved patterns, the rituals that give us space to see and think clearly and that keep our souls nourished.
Conscious Parenting is parenting with wisdom; the wisdom that results from self awareness, self knowledge, understanding your own story, forgiving, letting go, healing and coming back to your truest self.
And conscious parenting is acquiring the skills to understand your children's developmental stages and the best ways to help them navigate themselves, their emotions and their lives.
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and begin learning the skills of Conscious Parenting.
Self Awareness
We look at ourselves with a magnifying glass and leave no stones unturned....
We get clear about our own needs and trust that our own self care will also help us care
for our children's needs.
We learn the skills of true Compassion; for ourselves, our child(ren) and partner(s).
We learn the skills of meditation; to slow down the mental activity and the associations to our past, to be fully present and awake in each moment.
We learn that keeping a meditation practice helps us be less reactive and it helps us navigate our daily challenges with more ease and more freedom in each choice.
We heal by coming back into balance with our deepest Truth, making peace with our past, releasing what no longer serves us and getting clear on where we want to go.
We heal by choosing with greater awareness and self knowledge.
We parent from this new place with wisdom, love.and feeling empowered.